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Chakra Balancing Packages

 Your Chakras are your keys to a healthy, happy and energetic life. Much more than esoteric energy centers, Chakras hold the electromagnetic frequencies which regulate all bodily functions including mental and emotional processes like hormonal, nervous, endocrine & limbic systems. Samya Chakra Balancing Packages are designed to rejuvenate the proper functioning of each Chakra and its governing systems thereby positively impacting your entire being.

Each therapy is performed in a specific sequence relative to the addressed Chakra and tailored to the individual with organic oils and herbal preparations.

Each Day Package focuses on 1 Chakra and while it is optimal to undergo the 7 days consecutively, any number days can be selected.

For those who are addressing issues related to specific areas, repeating the same day package consecutively can be very beneficial.

Swadhisthana Pelvic Chakra Retreat (Day 2)

Element: Water

Water Balancing Therapies:

Samvahana 1hr

Kati Vasti 1hr

Garshana 1/2hr

Herbal Detox Body Wrap 1hr

Water Balancing Yoga & Meditation 1.5 hrs

Manipura Navel Chakra Retreat (Day 3)

Element: Fire

Fire Balancing Therapies:

Abhyanga 1hr

Chakra Vasti 1hr

Nadi Swedhana 1/2hr

Udvartana 1.5hrs

Fire Balancing Yoga & Meditation 1.5 hrs

Anahata Heart Chakra Retreat (Day 4)

 Element: Air

Air Balancing Therapies:

Sarvangadhara 1hr

Uro Vasti 1hr

Air Balancing Yoga & Meditation 1.5 hrs

Vishuddhi Throat Chakra Retreat (Day 5)

Element: Space

Space Balancing Therapies:

Greeva Vasti 1hr

Patra Potali Swedhana 1hr

Skin Rejuvenation Body Wrap 1hr

Space Balancing Yoga & Mediation 1.5 hrs

Sahasrara Crown Chakra Retreat (Day 7)

Element: Divine

Divine Connection Therapies:

Shiroabhyanga 3/4hr

Shirodhara 3/4hr

Merudandha Vasti 1.5hr

Reiki 1hr

Divine Connection Yoga & Meditation 1.5 hrs

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