Swedhana (steam & heat) Therapies 

The main purposes of Swedhana are to detoxify the tissues by producing sweat and to dilate the body’s channels so that the objective of oleation – removing toxins from the tissues – can be more easily achieved. The application of heat also counteracts the coldness of both the Vata and Kapha Doshas, reducing the body’s stiffness and heaviness and countering the slow, heavy and sticky qualities of toxins. Swedhana, which is given by different types of heat, brings sweat onto the skin through the hair follicles by opening the pores and sebaceous glands on the skin, permitting the oils used in Snehana to penetrate deeply into the tissues. Due to the increased heat, the cellular digestive fire is increased and the subcutaneous and fatty tissues which store toxins are liquefied and mobilized. The heating action of Swedhana also mobilizes the Doshas, which are responsible for transporting these toxic waste materials from the deep tissues to the gastrointestinal tract. As toxins are removed, rigidity and stiffness in the tissues is relieved, offering greater flexibility and suppleness.

Swedhana therapies include either local or general application of hot herbal steams, poultices, dry heat or heated herbal liquids to stimulate perspiration. In case more than one Dosha is aggravated some useful Swedhana therapies include nourishing and oleating secondary effects. 

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NADI SWEDHANA "na-dee sway-duh-n" 

(localised herbal steam)

allow ½hr ~ $69 *only available in combination with other therapies.


Nadi, which literally means “tube”, refers to the localised Swedhana procedure using steam from an Ayurvedic herbal water decoction. This process is facilitated by the use of a pressure cooker and a reinforced plastic hose which eases the steam’s application to the body’s surface. Nadi Swedhana is used in localised areas such as the chest for respiratory conditions, the joints in arthritis and joint disorders, the abdomen for related disorders, in specific muscle disorders and paralysed limbs and body parts. Nadi is a more penetrating type of wet heat because the steam actively drives the heat, and oil (from Snehana) deep into the tissues through the pores of the skin. This treatment is often given to the whole body, except the head, heart and groin and focuses on the thick and complex structures of the joints to improve their mobility. The effects of Nadi Swedhana are enhanced when taken after any Snehana or Marma therapy. A rest period of one hour prior to exercise and increased fluid intake is suggested after this therapy.

Benefits: Nadi Swedhana has been traditionally used with Snehana to help: reduce pain, muscle spasm and rigidity in localized areas; the palliative management of back pain; inflammation of the spine, hip and knees; stiffness or heaviness of the neck and limbs; muscle pains and cramps; atrophy of limbs; joint sprains; paralysis; respiratory disorders such as asthma and bronchitis; arthritis; abdominal pain and swelling; digestive disorders and circulatory problems. Optimal benefits are experienced after a series of therapies from 3-7+ days. 

PINDA SWEDHANA "pin-da sway-duh-n" 

(herbal rice bundle steam massage)

*available only as recommended after Ayurvedic Consultation

Pinda Swedhana is rare and exotic experience in which a bundle or Pinda, the size of a large orange, made from grains and herbs covered in cotton cloth and dipped in milk is used to firmly massage the entire body. Like most Swedhana therapies, Pinda Swedhana provides deep detoxification by inducing sweating. But unlike other Swedhana therapies, Pinda Swedhana shares all the same effects of Snehana therapies as well. The heat helps absorb the herbs into the body through the pores in the skin. The therapy begins with full body application of organic herbal and aroma-therapeutic Samya Dosha Oils. Afterwards the entire body is synchronistically massaged with the warm bundles. Pinda Swedhana is excellent for Vata and Kapha disorders since both Doshas are innately cold in nature and the excessive heat stimulates the fat tissues and releases sweat through the skin, generating a total euphoria of warmth throughout the organism.

Because of the messy nature of this therapy, no sheets can be used for draping the client who can wear the disposable underpants provided.

Please do not eat for 1-2 hours prior to this treatment. A rest period of one hour prior to exercise is suggested after this therapy.

Benefits: Pinda Swedhana has been traditionally used to help: Vata disorders like: arthritis, emaciation, weakness of muscular functions, facial paralysis, dryness of skin, loss of memory, insomnia, mental stress, stiffness of joints, paraplegia, poliomyelitis; Kapha disorders like: phlegmatic disorders (coughs, colds, congestion), asthma, headaches, rheumatoid arthritis, anaemia, obesity, water retention, anorexia, heaviness of body, lethargy and Pitta disorders like: bilious and blood disorders. It has also been used to revitalize the whole body, giving energy and mobility, relieving stress, restoring the appetite and sleep patterns. 

PATRA POTALI SWEDHANA "pat-ra poe-ta-li sway-duh-n" or "PPS"  

(herbal bundle steam massage) 

*available only as recommended after Ayurvedic Consultation

Patra Potali Swedhana is a wonderfully rejuvenating treatment in which fresh plants are fried with several other Ayurvedic herbal ingredients and tied into cloth bundles. The therapy begins with full body application of organic herbal and aroma-therapeutic Samya Dosha Oils. Then the bundles are warmed in special herbal oils and massaged in unison by two therapists all over the body.

Because of the messy nature of this therapy, no sheets can be used for draping the client who can wear the disposable underpants provided.

Please do not eat for 1-2 hours prior to this treatment. A rest period of one hour prior to exercise is suggested after this therapy. The benefits of PPS are increased when received before any bath.

Benefits: PPS has been traditionally used to help: bronchitis, asthma, rheumatoid arthritis, mucous expectoration, phlegmatic disorders (coughs, colds, congestion), flu, indigestion, suppression of digestive fire, obesity, chronic back pain, hemiplegia and paraplegia, joint stiffness and swellings, muscular pain, anti-aging, sciatica, spondylosis, sprains, cramps and heaviness of the body.

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