ABHYANGA "abee-yun-ga"
(ayurveda oil massage)
allow 1hr ~ $145 (1½hrs ~ $195)
Abhyanga is a luxurious warm organic oil massage focused on calming the nervous, lymphatic and circulatory systems. It is characterized by long strokes, flowing movements and Marma point therapy which heightens awareness to direct the internal healing system of the body. Abhyanga is one of the most rejuvenating therapies of Ayurveda Your therapy is enhanced with customized organic herbal aroma-therapeutic Samya Dosha balancing oils. Service time includes shower if requested at time of booking.

Organic Aromatherapy Massage
allow 1 hr - $140 or 1 1/2 hrs – $180
Experience our soothing signature aromatherapeutic relaxation massage.
Includes our Samya Spa organic aromatherapy oil blend to enhance your therapeutic experience.

SAMVAHANA "sum-va-huh-na"
(ayurveda gentle massage)
allow 1hr ~ $145 (1½hrs ~ $195)
Samvahana is a whole-body massage using light pressure to promote circulation and deep relaxation. This massage technique predominantly involves long sweeping and soft stroking motions to activate the Nadis (energy channels) of the body. A dance of beauty, this passive, gentle massage uses warm organic herbal aroma-therapeutic Samya Dosha Oils and flowing movements. Service time includes shower if requested at time of booking.

MARDANA "mard-uh-na"
(ayurveda deep massage)
allow 1hr ~ $150 (1½hrs ~ $199)
Mardana means pressing hard or rubbing and also includes other procedures like manipulation of muscles and joints. This is a deeper muscular massage using marma point therapy that breaks up adhesions and compromised circulation deep within the muscles. A vigorous, rhythmic therapy using herbal Samya Ayurveda oils, designed to press more thoroughly into the tissues and muscles for deeper healing and rejuvenation. Service time includes shower if requested at time of booking.

allow 1hr ~ $150 (1½hrs ~ $199)

Couples Organic Massage
allow 1 hr or 1 1/2 hrs (priced by massage selection)
Enjoy a side-by-side massage of your choice with that special someone.
Perfect for any romantic getaway, anniversary or just for a friendly spa day.

MARMA CHIKITSA "mar-ma chik-it-sa"
(ayurveda vital point therapy)
allow 1hr ~ $155 (1½hrs ~ $205)
Marma Chikitsa is a miraculous therapy that involves massaging points and areas of the body while applying sufficient pressure and various techniques over the Marmani ( Vital points of the body). Different organic herbal aroma-therapeutic Samya Ayurveda oils are used depending on individual needs. Marma therapy is a combination of energy balancing, light and deep touch and circular movements over the Marma points which can be subtle or profound and deeply relaxing. By stimulating the Marmani, physical, energetic and mental blocks can be dissolved, making the mind-body connection even more intimate. Service time includes shower if requested at time of booking.

SHIROABHYANGA "shee-row-abee-yun-ga"
(Indian head massage)
allow ¾hr ~ $125
Shiroabhyanga is a popular rejuvenative massage for scalp, forehead, neck and shoulders in a seated position. Warm organic herbal aroma-therapeutic Samya Shiroil is massaged into the scalp paying specific attention to pressure points in the areas with specific manouvers . Samya Shiroil, nourishes the scalp and gives rise to strong, beautiful hair, strengthening the musculature, nerves, glands and capillaries located beneath the scalp. This essential head massage soothes the entire nervous system and promotes well being and vitality. Service time includes shower if requested at time of booking.

PADABHYANGA "pa-da-bee-yun-ga"
(ayurveda foot massage)
allow 1hr ~ $145
“Diseases do not go near one who massages his feet before sleeping just as snakes do not approach eagles.” -Ancient Indian Saying.
Padabhyanga is warm oil massage on the feet . This revitalizing and relaxing experience begins with Padavagaha (Ayurvedic herbal foot soak). Afterwards warm organic herbal aroma-therapeutic oil is massaged on the knees, feet and lower legs. Along with combined Marma and reflexology points, this wonderful therapy aids in relieving acute pain, improving posture as well as the health of the organs.

Reflexology Therapy
allow 1 hr – $140

Hot Stone Organic Aromatherapy Massage
allow 1hr ~ $155 (1½hrs ~ $205)

Reiki (Universal Life Energy)
allow 1 hr – $135
Using ancient healing-hands techniques developed in Japan, the bodily energies are stimulated to encourage natural healing processes. The therapist’s hands emanate a calming, nurturing feeling throughout your mind and body promoting deep emotional release and healing. This therapy helps to induce a balanced and centered state of being while the therapist places the hands on or over various energy centres on your warmly covered body.